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好消息清单 比尔盖茨的2014年终总结【best365·官网】

发布时间:2024-10-18 01:44:01
本文摘要:I ended 2013 by compiling something slightly unusual: a list of some of the good news you might have missed. I thought it was a pretty good note to end the year on, and people seemed to like reading about some of the ways the world is becoming a better place. This year, I thought I’d do it again。

I ended 2013 by compiling something slightly unusual: a list of some of the good news you might have missed. I thought it was a pretty good note to end the year on, and people seemed to like reading about some of the ways the world is becoming a better place. This year, I thought I’d do it again。2013年我编辑了一些有点不同寻常的东西来作为年终总结:一张你有可能错失了的好消息表格。我实在作为年终总结,这是一份非常不俗的笔记,而且人们或许讨厌读书一些世界在哪些方面显得更佳的故事。

今年,我想要我又要这么腊了。Of course, we can’t ignore the fact that it’s been a turbulent year, in the United States and many other countries. But it’s worth taking a moment to celebrate some of the good news too. More children are surviving than ever before. We’re making progress against some of the world’s deadliest diseases. These are some of the most fundamental ways to measure the world’s progress—and by that measure, 2014 was definitely another good year。当然了,在美国和其他很多国家,我们无法忽视这是充满著暴乱动荡不安的一年。


这些是取决于世界变革的最显然的方法——而且通过以下的估量,2014意味著又是让人有缘的一年。1.More Fifth Birthdays Than Ever Before和从前比起,更加多孩子过上了5岁的生日。

To me, one of the best ways to measure progress is to look at how many children are dying of preventable causes。对我而言,取决于变革最差的方法之一就是想到,有多少孩子的丧生可以防止。

And today, more kids are living to see their fifth birthday than ever before. This year, for at least the 42nd year in a row, the child mortality rate has fallen. And it’s not just moving in the right direction—it’s falling faster than anyone expected。同过去比起的今天,更好的孩子死掉过上了5岁的生日。在今年,最少是倒数第42年儿童的死亡率有所上升。

而且某种程度是朝准确的方向——它比任何人希望的都上升的慢。The Economist ran a great article about this in September, where it estimated that just since 2001, the world has saved 13.6 million children’s lives. It’s hard to think of a better sign the world is improving。《经济学人》在9月写出了一篇关于这个问题的长文,自从2001年开始,预计全世界已解救了1360万儿童的生命。

不难想象,这就是世界正在变坏的标志。2.We Hit a Big Milestone in Fighting AIDS我们在对付艾滋病上获得了里程碑式的变革The world has done an impressive job of providing treatment to people living with HIV. But for years we were falling behind, because for all the people who started getting treatment, even more would become infected。对于艾滋病病毒感染者的化疗,全世界早已获得了令人钦佩的变革。但是这些年来,我们仍然很领先,因为算上所有开始拒绝接受化疗的人,也及不上更加多的人不受病毒感染的速率。

Not anymore, though. New data released this month show that 2013 was the first year when more people started getting treatment than became infected with HIV. Why does that matter? Because treating people not only keeps them alive, it also dramatically reduces the odds that they will pass the virus on to anyone else. As the epidemiologists say, we can start to bend the curve of the disease。今非昔比。这个月的新数据表明,2013年是第一年拒绝接受化疗的人比病毒感染艾滋病病毒的人多了。

这为何变得意义非凡?因为病人的化疗某种程度是沿袭他们的生命,还急遽增加了将病毒传染给别人的几率。正如流行病专家所说的那样,这是一个转折点。We still have a long way to go before we can declare the end of AIDS, but this is a big milestone。

在能宣告艾滋病早已无所潜之前,我们还有很长的路要回头,但是这显然是里程碑式的一步。3.Rotavirus Vaccine is Reaching More Kids Than Ever相比以往更好的孩子拒绝接受了轮状病毒疫苗接种When I read an article in the late 1990s that mentioned a diarrheal disease called rotavirus killed hundreds of thousands of kids a year, I couldn’t believe something I’d never even heard of was killing that many children。

当我在20世纪90年代读者一篇提及取名为轮状病毒引起的腹泻病,一年里能造成成千上万的儿童丧生,我不敢相信这种我从没听过的病毒杀掉了那么多孩子。But rotavirus doesn’t get much press because it’s almost never deadly in rich countries—and the world tends to ignore diseases that only affect the world’s poorest people。

但是轮状病毒均受多大推崇,因为在发达国家完全从会丧命——所以全世界都偏向对这个只影响贫困国家人民的疾病视而不见。In many ways, rotavirus was a catalyst for my commitment to global health—in fact, one of our foundation’s first grants supported efforts against rotavirus. Since then, the number of kids dying from this illness has been cut nearly in half thanks to a cheap and effective vaccine. And today, that vaccine is reaching more kids than ever before。


For example in India, where rota kills nearly 80,000 children a year, the government decided this year to deliver the vaccine for free to poor children. And manufacturers there are working on a more affordable vaccine that could reach even more children in the coming years。荐个例子,在印度,该病毒一年杀掉了完全8万儿童,政府要求在今年为贫困的孩子派发免费疫苗。而那里的厂家致力于生产更加多价格实惠的疫苗,以便让更加多孩子在接下来的几年里开销的起这种疫苗接种。

4.A Tuberculosis Breakthrough—Finally肺结核再一有了突破性进展The world is way overdue for a better tuberculosis treatment。全世界在更佳的化疗肺结核上所做到的早已相比之下远超过预期。TB is one of the world’s leading causes of death, and our existing treatments are inadequate—especially for drug resistant forms of the disease. But efforts to improve them have been stalled for decades. So it’s a big deal that earlier this year, scientists announced that a new TB treatment regimen has proven effective in early-phase research。


所以今年早些时候,科学家宣告一种新型肺结核化疗方案在早期研究方案中被证明有效地,沦为了大事件。From here, the drug regimen goes on to a large clinical trial to confirm the results. If this new treatment regimen pans out, it could dramatically reduce the time it takes to cure drug-resistant TB and save poor countries billions of dollars in health-care costs。从现在开始,用药法将之后大型临床试验区来证明这个结论。

如果这种新型化疗方法顺利了,它就能很快增加化疗肺结核耐药性的时间,并且为贫困国家的卫生保健支出省下一大笔。5.Nigeria’s Fight Against Polio Helped Its Fight Against Ebola尼日利亚对付小儿麻痹症的经验协助了其对付埃博拉A lot of the media coverage about Nigeria this year focused on two things: Ebola and terrorism。很多媒体报道了今年尼日利亚专心的两件事情:埃博拉和恐怖主义。Both are frightening, and they masked the fact that from a global health perspective, Nigeria actually had a pretty good year. Although it’s one of only three countries that have never been free from polio (Pakistan and Afghanistan are the other two), I don’t think it will be on that list for long。


Nigeria has reported only six cases of polio this year, compared to more than 50 last year. What’s more, the infrastructure Nigeria has built to fight polio actually made it easier for them to swiftly contain Ebola. The fact that Nigeria is now Ebola free is a great example of how doing the work to fight things like fighting polio also leaves countries better prepared to deal with outbreaks of other diseases。尼日利亚今年据报导只有6事例小儿麻痹症,而去年有50多个病例。而且,尼日利亚辟的用作对付小儿麻痹症的基础设施,实质上让他们对付埃博拉的工作更容易了。尼日利亚如今仍然遭到埃博拉肆虐,就是一个很好的例子:像对付小儿麻痹症这样疾病的经验也能让国家更佳的打算其他疾病频发时的应付。

6.Looking Ahead展望未来One more thing: this January, Melinda and I will publish our annual letter. This year, we’re looking ahead to 2030. We’ll be writing about a few areas—from health to farming and banking—where life will really change, especially for people in some of the world’s poorest places。还有一件事:今年1月,梅琳达和我将不会出版发行我们每一年的信件。今年,我们未来发展至2030年。我们书写着特别是在是世界上最贫困地方人们的生活,在一些领域——从身体健康到农业到银行——生活的转变。



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